Kenninghall Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

We are building a collaborative family of schools.

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School Uniform

Uniform with the school logo can be ordered from the links below – our colour is blue – or from the school office.

Below is a list of our school uniform:

  • Navy Blue sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper
  • Navy or grey skirts, pinafores tailored trousers or tailored shorts.
  • Plain Sky blue short sleeved polo shirt
  • Plain style practical school shoes (no exaggerated fashion styles, e.g. high stack heels or boots, no trainers or brightly coloured shoes)
  • Blue and white check summer dresses
  • Waterproofs for Forest Schools.

Please note: Jeans/denim, corduroy or jogging trousers are not considered appropriate for school uniform. 

Make up, including fake tattoos and nail varnish, is not allowed.

P.E. Kit:

  • Pale blue or white t-shirt (No logos)
  • Navy or black shorts, skort or jogging bottoms.
  • Plimsolls or trainers.

You can now order and pay for school uniform online from the following suppliers.  Simply go to their website address, then select ‘Find My School’ and follow the order instructions. – Leaflets are available from the School Office

There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address. As well as their approved decorated school uniform, you are also able to order plain items such as trousers, skirts and shirts.

Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online.