Kenninghall Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

We are building a collaborative family of schools.

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Pupil Voice

At Kenninghall, we believe that pupil voice has many benefits for creating a school where the children feel safe, happy and listened to. It also prepares children for adult life and work.

Prefects at school model good attitudes and behaviour and have the responsibilities of looking after others and the school environment. School councillors from every year group meet regularly to discuss feedback from circle group meetings and decide agendas for the next meetings. Circle group meetings, led by Year 6 children, take place weekly and demonstrate a whole school democracy approach. Each circle group involves children from Reception through to Year 6 and has built mutual understanding across the age ranges in the school; the older children more tolerant and aware of the needs and wants of the younger children.


These meetings ensure that issues the children may be having are spotted early and the children are encouraged to think of possible solutions.