CARROLL Class Blog
Sunday 13 November 2022 White-tailed Eagles - 11th November Geography lessons so far this year have focused on map skills. Children have looked at atlases to find and locate continents and countries, as well as some of their physical and human geographical features. They have learnt about OS map symbols and four-figure and six-figure grid references and have applied this knowledge to find landmarks on a local OS map.
Monday 7 November 2022 White-tailed Eagles - 4th November 2022 This week in English we have begun looking at a new stimulus for our writing - the fairy tale Hansel & Gretel told by Neil Gaiman. At the start of the week we used drama to think carefully about how the characters and plot. We create a 'conscience alley' where children had to take on the role of the mother or father and argue either for or against leaving their children in the forest. We then created short pieces of drama and freeze-frames to retell the beginning to the story and consider how Hansel and Gretel were feeling at different points. The children also considered what it would be like in the forest and took a 'guided walk' through the forest with a forest soundscape playing. This culminated in the children writing some excellent forest descriptions from the perspective of Hansel or Gretel.
Friday 21 October 2022 White-tailed Eagles - 21st October 2022 We have had another great week in White-tailed Eagles class. This week we have been finishing our work on portraits in art and have put all of our skills and knowledge together to create a portrait of Henry VIII. All the children worked hard to think carefully about the proportions of a face and how to add shading and detail to each of the features to make them look realistic. We’re sure you will agree, they have done a fantastic job.
Friday 14 October 2022 White-tailed Eagles - 14th October 2022 On Thursday 13th October, White-tailed Eagles went on a trip to Strangers’ Hall in Norwich. During the trip, they met four Tudor characters who discussed with them their feelings on the recent Kett’s Rebellion as well as giving them more information about what life was like in Tudor times. The children learnt about how Tudor clothes were dyed and what different people in society wore, they took a tour of Strangers’ Hall and handled some Tudor artefacts and they also had a go at doing some weaving on a loom.
Friday 23 September 2022 White-tailed Eagles - 23rd September 2022 White-tailed Eagles have had another great week. In history this week we have been learning about what life was like in Tudor times. The children were each given a different area to research: homes, fashion or food. They created information texts in their books and then presented their findings to the rest of their group.
Friday 16 September 2022 White-tailed Eagles - 16th September 2022 We have had a fantastic start to the year in White-tailed Eagles. I have been really impressed with the children's approach to their work and the responsible and mature attitude they have shown both in the classroom and to the younger children. In art we have been learning about realism and we are working towards creating a portrait. Over the next few weeks we will build up the skills we need to do this and today we spent some time focusing on how to draw realistic and detailed drawings of the human eye. The children were pleasantly surprised by how successful they were with these drawings!