Kenninghall Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Week 4 - 25th November 2022

Over the past two weeks in Goshawks, our main role in class has been as a Scientist. We have explored and investigated viscosity and we have also experimented with melting and freezing using a variety of different liquids. Making hypotheses, we noticed that the more viscous liquids did not necessarily take longer to melt when salt was added to the frozen liquids. 

In English, we finished our poems by practicing our word processing skills on laptops and putting together our poems using verses and formatting. I will find a way of adding these to the blog to share them with you, as the children should be proud of their final creations of 'Autumn is Here'. We have now begun to look at creating a diary entry, from the perspective of Maya, who was Tutankhamun's best friend. We are writing about the final stages of Tutankhamun's life. 

In Maths, we have been focusing on our times tables. In class we have been multiplying and dividing in our 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We have explored the difference between sharing and grouping and how we can represent a number sentence in different ways both pictorially and in a concrete fashion. Children have begun to investigate bar models and how they can represent both multiplication and division facts too. In our extra-curricular lessons, Mr Butcher has challenged every child to beat his score in our weekly tournament on Times Table Rockstars. We continue to have children being successful in their journey towards the Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum awards.

In History, we explored the process of mummification. Children used tomatoes to explore how the Ancient Egyptians would have removed the internal organs of a human body and stored certain parts of it in canopic jars. Using a mixture of salt and bicarbonate of soda, they then created natron, which is a preservative and we will check in on the mummification process each week. 

We continued our DT topic on Paper Circuits this week by taking our design ideas and beginning to create our final design for our posters, pop-up cards or safety information, on which we will add our paper circuits in the next week or so. 

We have been practising for our Christmas Concert on 12th December, with the songs coming along nicely. We will be continuing to practice each week. 

Don't forget to keep reading each week! The more you read, the more chance we will have to buy new books for the class.