BRIGHT Class Blog
Wednesday 12 July 2023 Dinosaur Park Otter Class had a wonderful time at the Dinosaur Park today. We started off by taking a walk through the lost world maze and then had a go at the racetrack. We then spent time digging for fossils in the sandpit and then met a real dinosaur hunter who showed us lots of real fossils and we even met two baby dinosaurs! After this, we had some lunch and then explored the Valley of Dinosaurs, where the children identified lots of different species and had lots of fun with the animatronics! We finished off with the play area and miraculously all children managed to stay awake on the journey home!
Wednesday 5 July 2023 Sports Day
Friday 16 June 2023 Summer Term week 7 Today we have been learning about sharing fairly. This linked to a maths objective as well as a social one. Children had lots of discussions about sharing food fairly between the cuddly toys at our picnic and decided that handing food out one at a time works best. They were using language such as “One for you,…one for you…” and decided it was best to work around in a Circle so as not to miss anyone out. We finished with sharing out some orange segments to eat.
Friday 26 May 2023 Bewilderwood Whole School Trip At Kenninghall Primary School, we are very lucky in that we have a fantastic group of friends of the school who have lots of exciting things planned for us. The most recent was a whole school trip to Bewilderwood! Otter class had a fabulous time and I was very proud of their impeccable behaviour on the trip. It was lovely to see the children conquer their fears and try new things - we have some real daredevils in the class!
Friday 12 May 2023 Bug Hunting This week Otter class have been so excited to hunt for insects and other creepy crawlies that they have become professional bug hunters! Aside from the spiders, woodlice, ants and flies, one member of the class found a baby lizard in our outdoor area. It was all very exciting and we had lots of fun looking at different photos of lizards to try and identify which one he had found before putting it carefully back where he found it.
Friday 5 May 2023 Coronation Celebrations We have been preparing for the King's Coronation this week in Otter class. We have been learning about castles and each child had a go at building a castle for a monarch out of bricks, duplo or lego. The next day, children received a letter from King Charles asking them to arrange a party for his coronation so Otter Class got to work with making tea, preparing cucumber sandwiches, blowing up balloons and writing invitations. We then had a bit of a party in the classroom followed by a whole school singing presentation to the parents at the end of the day.
Friday 28 April 2023 Old Buckenham Country Park Trip Otter Class visited Old Buckenham Country Park today to take part in some activities run by Allan from Talk:Wildlife. Children had a go at pond dipping and caught some fabulous pond life including snail eggs, toad tadpoles and (very) small fish. They also had a nature walk and used sweeping nets and bug catchers to find some insects. As a class we found lots of different bugs including a bee, spiders, beetles and a crane fly. It was great to be able to look closely at these insects and then children released them back into the wild. We also met Edith the pig and Gabby and Glenda the goats. After lunch, children had the opportunity to sketch some insects in resin and also a huge set of antlers, which they also had a turn at holding! Otter class were superbly behaved all day and should be very proud of themselves!
Wednesday 12 April 2023 Easter 2023 We had lots of fun in the run up to Easter. Otter class took part in a phonic Easter Egg hunt where they used their phonic skills to match pictures to initial sounds. They also had some sports day style numeracy relay races, including egg and spoon and matching numbers and dots. We also learned about where chocolate comes from (which included a little taster ...of course!) and Otters also made some Easter themed biscuits from scratch and decorated them to take home to their families.
Monday 20 March 2023 Maths Cafe We were all very excited to invite our parents into the classroom this morning to have a go at some maths activities together. Our main focus was pattern and trying to create more complex patterns which had more than 2 shapes. The activities included decorating biscuits, using nature to make patterns, printing using fruit and making patterns using peg boards. We also wanted to show out parents how well we are doing with learning our number bonds to 10 so some activities allowed us to explore that with them. Otters were so happy that their parents were able to spend the morning in the class with them.
Monday 13 March 2023 Science Week
Tuesday 21 February 2023 Pancake Day We had a fantastic time flipping pancakes, cooking them, decorating them and most of all...eating them!
Tuesday 31 January 2023 Birdwatching - RSPB School Bird Watch We had a great time birdwatching with Allan from talk:Wildlife today. The children were lucky enough to spot blue tits, starlings, robins and even the smallest bird in the country: a goldcrest.
Monday 30 January 2023 Talk Wildlife Visitor Otter Class were joined by Allan who works for talk:Wildlife this week. They had an exciting and engaging session learning all about different birds and their eggs. The class were able to handle lots of museum replica eggs, from tiny Hummingbird eggs to the egg of the extinct Elephant Bird. They also learned about different feathers, wingspan and features of different bird. We had a great day and are looking forward to Allan returning this week to help us with our class birdwatch.
Friday 13 January 2023 Spring Term Week 2 - Making Bread This week in Otter class, we have been reading the story ‘The Little Red Hen’. Children have learned about how flour is made in modern day and also how windmills work. They explored flour, wheat grain and dough in the tough tray and we also made bread as a whole class. Otters measured out the ingredients and worked their muscles to knead the bread into rolls. Once it had cooked and cooled, they enjoyed a slice in class and took the rest home to share with their families.
Tuesday 13 December 2022 Christmas in Otter Class
Tuesday 13 December 2022 Knettishall Heath Trip We had a cold but fabulous morning at Knettishall Heath. Children started off by choosing some objects they thought would sink or float and then testing this out in the water. We then travelled through a tunnel to find some ponies who were very friendly. After that, we went on a bug hunt and then made a jingle bell stick. Children then had some time exploring the activities which were loud out such as mud play, diggers/tractors, bug hotels, painting and tinsel.
Wednesday 30 November 2022 Panto! Thanks to the Friends of Kenninghall School, we enjoyed a trip to the theatre in Bury St Edmunds today! Otter class were all very excited to be on the coach with their friends for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed the show. What a wonderful start to the Christmas Season.
Thursday 24 November 2022 Walk to the Post Office
Tuesday 8 November 2022 Diwali and Fireworks Our theme for this half term is Let's Celebrate! So we have spent this week learning all about the Hindu festival of Diwali. Otter class made Mango Lassis to have at snack time and also created their own Diya lamps out of clays. They have had a go at lots of different types of firework art and were very imaginative in creating their own bonfire in the classroom using the log cushions we have and pretending to toast marshmallows around the fire.
Wednesday 2 November 2022 Halloween The thumbnail has been assigned to the news item, and for convenience also added to the body here:
Friday 14 October 2022 Week 6 - Weather This week, Otter class have spent lots of time looking at signs of the changing seasons. We joined Swallowtails on a trip to the apple orchard in Kenninghall and collected lots of 'treasures' on our way. We then used these autumnal objects to create some nature art. We ended our trip with some games and had a fantastic time.
Friday 7 October 2022 Week 5 - Water-chute Fun! Sometimes it's the unplanned moment that really makes the week. This week the Otter Class have been enjoying conker season and, following a conker run being constructed, the children decided they wanted to find out how long a water slide they could make.
Monday 3 October 2022 Harvest Festival Otter class worked extremely hard at learning the song and actions for their Harvest Festival performance as well as creating a piece of artwork each to hold up. We are so proud of how well they walked to the church, how confidently they performed and how nicely they sat to watch the other classes’ presentations. Well done Otters!
Friday 30 September 2022 Week 4 - We're Going on a Bear Hunt This has been a very popular story with the class and they have enjoyed reading it as well as watching Michael Rosen perform the story.
Wednesday 28 September 2022 Week 3 - Settling in & Exploring our Senses Otter class have settled very well into our school routines. They are now spending break and lunch times with the rest of the school on the playground/field as well as taking part in circle groups which is a short session in which children across the school gather in their house groups and discuss a topic with their house captains.