Kenninghall Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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16th September 2022

This week in Goshawk class we have been getting to grips with Ancient Egypt. We’ve spent time looking at the events which occurred over the entire period and into the modern day. We have then looked at ordering these to create our own timeline. The children spent some time considering how the timeline moves from BC to AD.

In PSHE, we are focusing on treating others with respect and this week we were focusing on ‘Doing the Right Thing’, this included thinking about the responsibility of behaviours, what this looked like in practice and how we can learn from our mistakes or support others.

Our English focus has been on investigating why Henry likes eating books, as part of ‘The Incredible Book Eating Boy’, where we have been focusing on writing descriptive sentences using alliteration, conjunctions and relative clauses.

We look forward to exploring genre painting in more detail next week